(2019) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 62–71
Title of the article Criminogenic Factors in the Field of Bank Credit Relations
PhD student, Uzhorod National University, Prosecutor of the Kyiv Local Prosecutor’s Office № 8, Kyiv, Ukraine, khairutdinova.eva@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 4
Pages [62–71]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Today, bank credit relations are important for the development of the economy of our country, and therefore the issue of overcoming crime in this area is very urgent. In order to develop measures and methods for combating crime, it is necessary to understand the causes and conditions of committing specific criminal offenses. Analysis of the criminal situation in Ukraine in the field of banking credit relations will help to identify the most vulnerable moments that need to be taken.
The purpose of the article – to determine the criminal situation in the field of banking credit relations on the basis of empirical and theoretical legal sources, which will allow to develop and propose measures and methods of combating crime.
The author presents various views of scientists on the factors, causes and conditions as components that influence the criminogenic situation, which have been investigated in the general criminological sense. The state of crime in the sphere of bank credit relations is considered at three levels: 1) public; 2) regional; 3) individual. The criminogenic situation in the practical area is analyzed by presenting various statistical information provided by both the governmental authority – the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine and the independent auditing company Price Waterhouse Coopers.
The research concludes that with the development of computer technologies and their affordability, banking lending is becoming increasingly vulnerable. Cybercrime has gained momentum that, in the opinion of some scientists, it will soon take the first place in terms of danger and scale compared to terrorism. Counterfeiting of documents for obtaining credit, attacks on electronic resources, fraud with financial resources, fraud with bank cards for misappropriation of other people’s funds, including credit – all these are a list of possible crimes that are committed using a computer, so to speak, from home. Unfortunately, the world’s methods for combating such crimes are not effective enough, since in response to the law enforcement agencies just developed, an effective algorithm for counteracting a crime is to come up with new schemes. This means that preventative measures to tackle crime play an important role in such situations.
Keywords criminogenic situation; factors of crime; cybercrime; fraud with financial resources; fraud.
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